Sunday, June 21, 2009

Clicker Training Horses to Take Their Meds!

When I moved horses into a larger turn-out together, I ran into the problem of dosing specific products in appropriate amounts to individual horses. I had to address the feeding of Solitude IGR pretty quickly, because any break in that product and the flies would start breeding like....flies!!! Living in a residencial area with ten horses requires a certain amont of tact and vigilance with regards to smells & flies!

The solution was pretty easy: a doggie treat pouch and clicker! Everyday I strap the doggie treat bag filled with Solitutde IGR onto my belt and go into the turn-out. I call each horse by name, and when the named horse comes to me he gets a "click" and a treat (his fly meds! -yum!) This is working really well! At first, I had a crowd of horses around me, but now they wait their turn!

Flies....................................................................0 (almost!)
Solitude IGR (60 lbs x $285/20 lbs)........$855 (does anybody know a cheaper way to get rid of flies!!??)

Horses in new turn-out.

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